Showing 51 - 75 of 101 Results
John M. Daley, Petitioner, v. Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supre... by PHILIP B KURLAND, JOHN C O'... ISBN: 9781270676171 List Price: $34.99
Virginia State Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council U.S. Supreme Court Tr... by PHILIP B KURLAND, Additiona... ISBN: 9781270639039 List Price: $44.99
Madeline Buchanan et al., v. Brenda Evans et al. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record wit... by PHILIP B KURLAND, LOUIS L R... ISBN: 9781270643043 List Price: $34.99
Bernard Feinberg, Petitioner, v. United States. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with... by PHILIP B KURLAND, ROBERT H ... ISBN: 9781270664093 List Price: $30.99
Of Law and Life and Other Things That Matter : Papers and Addresses of Felix Frankfurter, 19... by Frankfurter, Felix, Kurland... ISBN: 9780674332058 List Price: $65.00
Weisbrod v. U S U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings by PHILIP B KURLAND, Additiona... ISBN: 9781270403005 List Price: $28.99
Ellis (John) v. Flying Tiger Corp. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting P... by PHILIP B KURLAND, GLENN W M... ISBN: 9781270538790 List Price: $30.99
Delaware State Board of Education v. Brenda Evans et al. Alexis I. du Pont School District e... by PHILIP B KURLAND, LOUIS L R... ISBN: 9781270701750 List Price: $48.99
Winters (Leo) v. Bohanon (Luther) U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pl... by PHILIP B KURLAND, ROBERT H ... ISBN: 9781270592761 List Price: $27.99
Hochfelder (Olga) v. Midwest Stock Exchange U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Sup... by PHILIP B KURLAND, DAVID S R... ISBN: 9781270608516 List Price: $30.99
Illinois v. Commonwealth Edison Co U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting P... by PHILIP B KURLAND, CHARLES A... ISBN: 9781270475422 List Price: $30.99
Founders' Constitution Article 2, Section 2, Through Article 7 by Kurland, Philip B., Lerner,... ISBN: 9780865973053 List Price: $12.00
Supreme Court Review 1984 by Kurland, Philip B., Casper,... ISBN: 9780226464374 List Price: $42.00
Founders' Constitution by Kurland, Philip B., Lerner,... ISBN: 9780865972797 List Price: $60.00
Founders' Constitution: Major Themes by Kurland, Philip B., Lerner,... ISBN: 9780226463896 List Price: $24.95
Watergate and the Constitution - Philip B. Kurland - Hardcover by Kurland, Philip B. ISBN: 9780226463933 List Price: $15.00
Supreme Court Review 1978 by Kurland, Philip B., Casper,... ISBN: 9780226464312 List Price: $40.00
Supreme Court Review 1977 by Kurland, Philip B. ISBN: 9780226464299 List Price: $36.00
Supreme Court Review, 1980 by Kurland, Philip B., Casper,... ISBN: 9780226464336 List Price: $40.00
Supreme Court Review, 1964 by Kurland, Philip B. ISBN: 9780226464152 List Price: $30.00
On Terrorism and Combating Terrorism Proceedings of an International Seminar, Tel-Aviv, 1979 by Casper, Kurland, Philip B. ISBN: 9780890936528 List Price: $1,370.00
Politics, the Constitution and the Warren Court - Philip B. Kurland - Paperback by Kurland, Philip B. ISBN: 9780226464077 List Price: $4.50
Supreme Court Review, 1965 by Kurland, Philip B. ISBN: 9780226464169 List Price: $30.00
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